It's been a while six my last post so I decided that it was time to post again. Since last time we have moved to Arlington, WA and we are apartment managers. Some days we hardly do anything with that, and others it feels like all we get are complaints from the tenants. Austin is working for ACCA which is a funeral home and really enjoys doing that. Some days we don't seem him at all because work is really busy. In January Austin will be going back to school full time so he won't be working as much. Hopefully we will see him more.
Carson has grow up so much in the last few months. He is still a very active little boy and talks all the time. Most of the time we have no idea what he is saying. Some of his most common words are; all done, here you go, what's that, bubbles, no more, ready, night night, bye bye, ball, bath, no, yea, blocks. He is also learning to count. He will sometime repeat 1, 2, 3 and hold up his fingers for 1 and 3 but he skips 2. Lately Carson has been pretty picky with what foods he likes but his favorite food is still spaghetti, I can get him to eat that all the time. He loves playing catch, being thrown around by daddy, building things with his toys, reading books and playing Xbox with daddy. If we would let him he would take baths all day. He loves to play in the water.
We finally went to the Dr today for his 18 month check up. He is 29 lbs (85%) and 33 inch (75%).
It's fun watching him grow and learn. We can't wait to see what he will be like as a big brother. I guess we will find out in May. I'm due May 23rd. We are really excited and in a few weeks we get to find out what it is. They will be 2 years apart and hopefully Carson won't be the jealous type!

We went to a Mariners game a couple weeks after we moved here

Baseball player for Halloween!

Carson likes to go to his room and read his books on his bed.

The Saturday after Thanksgiving we went on the Santo train to go see Santa.
Carson wasn't a fan at Santa, but with his cousin right there he was able to tolerate it.
He really loved the train ride though.

Carson would not take a picture with Santa. I'm surprised that he isn't crying
in this picture but it was fun to get a picture with Santa as a family.